Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Can we build it? Yes, we can!

So we finally decided to face the big Ikea build. Well, one of them.

The good news is that we're still engaged. The other good news is that we managed to build a beautiful entertainment centre without quite killing each other!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


So this weekend was the big trip to Ikea!

It was about a four hour drive in Dave's dad's tank (aka suburban). Got to Brian and Brooke's house at about 10, just in time for dinner, a movie, couple of beers and a not-too-late night.

Saturday morning we all went out for breakfast before Brooke, Dave and I headed out to Ikea. I have to say I had my doubts about whether Brooke would ever talk to us again after it!

So I was an Ikea virgin, and spent the first, um three hours, walking around with my mouth open saying 'i want that, ooh and that! and that!' The place is evil.

We spent Saturday mostly doing reconnaissance. We went throught the whole store trying to decide what we liked and what we wanted to do this trip. Then we went back to Brian & Brooke's and made sure that the stuff we wanted would actually fit in our house.

Sunday we were furniture buying machines! We went through Ikea solely to buy our bedroom furniture.Bed, bed-side lockers, a chest of drawers and a massive mirror. We did really want their wardrobe but our house is vertically challenged so we had to pass, although there was a long conversation about the height of the carpet!

When we were through, we spent an hour packing the car up much to the amusement of everyone else around. But in the end, that suburban was solid, nothing was moving!

But it just wasn't enough of a challenge so we were ready for round 2! Back through again for some bookcases, an entertainment centre and lots of little stuff for the kitchen.

After the second round it only took us another hour to completely repack the car and then we were off home to leave all the ikea boxes in our spare room until we can face the marriage-endangering Ikea build.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


So they're all into baptism by fire here in Wisconsin.

So I was doing my 'laundry' as a good house wife should, when I found a strange puddle in the basement. Mmm what's this we wondered. Its under the bathroom pipes. Looks like something you'd find in a bathroom pipe. Smells like something you'd find in a bathroom pipe. Tastes like ... So why the hell isn't it in the bathroom pipe.

So in a crash course on toilets, with help from Dave's dad over the phone and the omnipotent Google, we, all by ourselves, changed the gasket on our toilet.

Whats a gasket? I dunno. What does it do? I can guess!

Credit where credit is due, I was all for calling a plumber! But in the adventurous spirit that made me fall in love with him (and a spattering of his economical side too) Dave ploughed right on in with wrenches and towels and other manly things.

I did do my part, scraping nasty wax, screwing stuff in, squishing the new wax into place and even replacing the cistern all by myself with no leaks (so-far!)

So any of ye who thought I might be bored here in Wisconsin with no job. Think again my friends, think again!!

missing toilet

oh there it is, in the hall

squishing the wax


So here is the first ...
Sorry it took so long but I can not believe it's been a week since I arrived.
It was a super-busy week but very productive.
We had a list and we crossed stuff out.
It was satisfying!