Friday, April 17, 2009


They spell cheque wrong here.

So for those of you who don't know. I have a job!!!

I am very excited, however, I originally interviewed for this job on February 25th, and March 4th and March 9th and March 26th and March 27th, so it's been a long haul! But all along, I was sure I really wanted this job, and that I'd be good at it, so I'm pretty excited that I get to start on Wednesday!!

I'm already teaching at the college on a part time basis, once a week, but now I'm going to be a full time employee. I'll be working with students who might be falling behind, or having trouble with some aspect of their course and need some guidance on how to move forward. I'll also continue teaching my class til it's done and then probably be teaching a more basic course after that.

Dave worked and taught here all last year which is how I got the teaching job, and how I know it's going to be a really fun job to work at!

Check it out - Rasmussen


So yes I know ... it's been far too long....

Can I blame america? Because I think I can!

When I was in Japan, I never really felt out of touch with my friends or my family, and it was only when I came here that I realised why ... it was the 'favourable' time difference! I'd come home from work at 9/10, have dinner, maybe a glass of wine, and be totally in the mood for a nice long chat. So onto skype I'd go, at 1am, or 2am, to piss off my neighbours but in perfect time to get people for a chat.

But here .. in the U. S. of A. if I want to talk to people I have to call them in my morning/afternoon time and that, as anyone who knows me, is not my best time, even with a couple of drinks.

Also now that I have a job (yes you heard me right) I don't know exactly when I'm supposed to talk to people.

I really do miss relaxing on the couch, glass of wine in hand and just chatting away.

Ah well.