Friday, April 17, 2009


So yes I know ... it's been far too long....

Can I blame america? Because I think I can!

When I was in Japan, I never really felt out of touch with my friends or my family, and it was only when I came here that I realised why ... it was the 'favourable' time difference! I'd come home from work at 9/10, have dinner, maybe a glass of wine, and be totally in the mood for a nice long chat. So onto skype I'd go, at 1am, or 2am, to piss off my neighbours but in perfect time to get people for a chat.

But here .. in the U. S. of A. if I want to talk to people I have to call them in my morning/afternoon time and that, as anyone who knows me, is not my best time, even with a couple of drinks.

Also now that I have a job (yes you heard me right) I don't know exactly when I'm supposed to talk to people.

I really do miss relaxing on the couch, glass of wine in hand and just chatting away.

Ah well.