Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So, about 5 months too late ...

I give you our bathroom ... before and after.

So we started with the bathroom, small, not too much wall, not too much to mess up.

Notice the unflattering lights and the fugly taps/faucet!

Notice the awesome lights and the sleek/cool taps/faucets.

The press/vanity is my labo(u)r of love, the taps were the bane of David's life!

And finally the orange and the mirrors, with the lights. I love it!!!

Funny story ... It was actually Dave's idea to paint it orange. We were walking through Home Depot, he mentioned it, I loved it, we painted it. Two months later, we were drunk, he told me that he'd been joking about the orange. Ah well. He likes it now. I made him like it.