Friday, March 6, 2009


So for our birthdays (or is it birthdaies!) we decided to treat ourselves to a fancy smancy meal at Hinterland. Despite that it's the only other brewery in Green Bay and it's right opposite Titletown, we've never actually been. This was partly due to the cost of the food, and partly due to the fact that Dave thought the bartender had been rude to him once. Turns out he'd never been but thinks he heard a story about the bartender being rude. And to make it even better, after deciding to splurge on the meal, we got a voucher for it from Pete and Luann!

We had a drink in the very cool lounge upstairs first. Definitely felt like a poncy Dublin pub, with prices to match. But oh the food. We started off with Beef Potstickers and quail. Dave felt the Quail was too tough but we both loved the potstickers. I had the steak and scallops for my main and Dave had the Yellowtail with noodles. I always had the idea that I didn't like scallops and while they probably aren't my favourite thing, I really enjoyed them.

It was a really yummy meal, and I left with my tail-a-wagging and all fuelled up for our Ikea trip tomorrow!